Film Title - Dunkirk
Genre - suspense thriller
Christopher nolan uses synchronise timeline to show different 3 locations at different timesspans. In this scene "the mole" which is roughly one week, then the sea which is over a course of a day then the air. Three stories over lap at given moments and then converge to the rest of the main characters that are rescused by the civilian boats. In this film the antagonist aren't labeled as the enemy however in dunkirk the enemy isnt the germans rather the concept and perception of time the choice allows the perceptions of subjecitivity of time than the technical aspect of the film, rarely did the characters mentioned about the enemy rather than the germans. In this scene the first sequence conveys back to the mole, it shows the
Shot types -
Close shot
Medium shot
Birds eye view
Establishing shot
Worms eye shot
round blue red and white logo on the airplanes: the royal airforce, the english airforce, english flag, allies, friendlys
the black cross: luftwaffe, germany, german airforce, german plane, enemies, axis
the red cross on the ships: medical ship, medkit, english, rescue boat
the black swastika logo: hate, buddism, socioalism, evil, facism,
civilian boats: rescue boats, yatchs, people's boat, friendly
the red cross on the ships: red cross
the blue red and white circle logo on the airplanes: red,blue and white circle
the black cross on the airplanes: the black cross
the black swastika logo: the black swastika
civilian boats: civilian boats
mise en scene:
soilders, military planes, military ships, civilian ships, the beach, the town