For my Julian Opie portrait task I created and experimented with different non-traditional digital tools using the software called Adobe illustrator. Why I was tasked to do this work? It is because to show that I understand on how to create an art work in a similar style of Julian Opie using the same software that he uses which is called Adobe illustrator.
(Unique and fun)
The tools
The tools I used were, the pen tool (to click hold and drag to create a smooth angular line around the face), the bucket tool (which is to fill the different areas of the face, shoulders, hair and the background of the portrait), the eye dropper tool (which is to select the colours of the different areas around my body), Elipse tool (which to fill as the eyes), the gradient tool for the background to experiment with for the lighting contrast and the selection tool (which was for using to move around anchor points if I had a small mistake) and the colour swatch tool (which was the colour tool to switch different type of colours).
For the first segment of he task I had experimentations with the pen tool, filling and forming shapes. It was quite boring at first really, but it was quite use-full to know about as well to know and how each of which of the tools work. After that was all done we then minded our own business to create an impression of a style of Julian Opie. First of all we created a new piece of A3 digital work sheet, inserted the photo of our self and put it onto the background layer. After that when Doug showed us on how to use the tools, showed us where it were and experiment around the tools, we then created a new layer and started on producing our own impression of Julian Opie.
On the new layer I put the pen stroke as thin stroke somewhere around 0.4. Once I finish experimenting with the tools I then filled the outline around my face, neck, hair and then finally my body. Each of the following lines I had to create a new layer since I need to fill in the colour correctly. Filling inside the lines was easy but I struggled to do the click hold and drag part with the thin black lines around by body. Though at the end it was quite fun and I enjoyed doing it. With the background, I experimented with different colours to which to fit the best with the colour combination. I also experimented with the gradient tool to contrast the lighting off the light and darkness of the shadow. I think I preferred doing the gradient tool because it was kind of unique and it looked cool. Just like what Andy warhol did with his life and death portraits.