The tools I used
The tools for this project that I used were traditional tools. Such as, a sketchbook, mirror (which was to reflect off my face portrait) , graphite (which was for the shading) and putty rubber (which was for to lighten the tone of the contrast.
How I drew it
The teacher first gave us on a brief tutorial on how he drew his portrait by just doing shading.
For this task, I have to draw my own face with using a mirror while using different light contrast for the shading using graphite. Firstly I, filled most of the area of the page using charcoal. After that I began to tone out with the lighting contrast with the putty rubber. The putty rubber was used for the light areas of the the face. For the dark areas of my face, I pressed it harder with graphite and some charcoal. I had to create my face from using a mirror in front of me constantly looking at the mirror and sometimes draw my face on the sketchbook while looking at the mirror doing continues shading. Some bits of the shading of the area of the face were simple such as the eye sockets, nose and mask etc. But the one I hated the most was doing the neck and eyes. It didn't look that good in my opinion.
Overall conclusion This was probably one of the most hated physical task that I ever done. The reason why it was unsuccessful is cause the lighting of the background wasn't good so as some of the areas of the face. To me it was quite chaotic and stressful to do. In my opinion, I preferred to do traditional pencil drawing rather than having to do shading with charcoal, graphite and using the putty rubber.