sugar come from papa new guenia
The government is adding extra tax on sugar. Because they are concerned about peoples health. This tax is to discourage people from choosing to eat / drink sugary products. The sugar tax will also help pay towards the cost for health care of those people.
sugar diet
having too much sugar will lower your life span
it can rot your teeth slowly from inside out
having less sugar and having a healthy diet will expand your life span
if sugar products are taken away there will be 20% left of the remaining products in the supermarket
sugar can give you energy for 45 minutes
sugar was imported to England in the 11th century
sugar can be very useful for those who are in low energy
americans consume 1kg of sugar
sugar can impact on mental health
going off sugar can clear off your mind and weight and diet
we can learn to make the mistakes and improve our health diet
teaching new generations on not to make the mistakes than the previous generations
the recommended american tea spoon of sugar for men was 9 while women was 6
company exploits kids and adults for hiding sugar that they dont know how much they consume