Tools and application and I how I use them The tools and applications I used for this task were non-traditional tools and a non-traditional canvas, for this experiment I used this digital application called "adobe photoshop" which is a used to design anything that you like digitally on the computer. It has hundreds of tools to use and has an easy ui interface that you can access each on every tools that you can use. This is very handy nowadays because you don't need to physically buy and get these tools yet when you have adobe photoshop, all of these tools are free to use. As long as you pay the adobe package product that is. The non-traditional tools I used was just using the paint brush and layer tool. The paintbrush tool was there to trace the outline of my face and fill in the colours of my face as well. The layer tool was to create each different layers to organise things so everything won't get mess up. The eye dropper tool is to select each different colours of the face. How I achieved and created this task
I first opened up adobe photoshop then I created a new A3 size canvas for the portrait that I was going to create. After when I set all the things up I then dragged my irl portrait image onto background layer. I locked that layer so the image doesn't get moved and added each layers for each of the different facial and body features that I covered up with the paint brush tool. I also used the eyedropper tool to help to navigate each of the different colours to fill in with my paint brush tool. I then continued on doing the same thing with the rest of the areas of my body and edited some of the background while also colouring in with the paint tool brush too.
In my opinion, I think it was really successful. The way that I blended the colours a bit and did some lighting shading on my face worked really well out. This was probably one of the fun task that I ever done and I am proud to say that it went well.