Character Bio Sheet
Character outline
You are to complete the following heading for you character and outline the key attributes. Remember that the following information helps when establishing your character idea.
Name – Nicky
Title -
Age - 18
Ethnicity / Race - Decent of both European and Asian.
Complexion –
Height - 5'5
Weight - 45kg
Eyes - Brown
Appearance - Has a long blonde hair that stops at his hips.
Motto -
Bio -
1) Where was the character born and who might their parents be?
2) Motivation for their journey e.g., world has been destroyed by the game enemy.
To stop the god for destroying the world.
3)Reasons for dressing or carrying certain items. How might these have been obtained?
4) Are they part of a faction and if so, how were they recruited?
Guilds/ parties.
5) Friendships and how these were made.
Journeys and recruiting them in parties.
6) People the character might have lost. What were the circumstances for this?
Friends, families.
Emotional states – Mood swings
What does the protagonist know?
That he/she has died and transported to another world to stop a god with the help of his/her friends.
The protagonist is an outsider?