For this FMP I will research different kind of planes from Museum and experiment it from using my own. The aspect of this FMP will be a 2D/ 3D Animation basically a mix of CGI. I will also take some pictures of the planes and sketch them on my sketch book using from different angles to get the looks as possible. After that, I might even make my own weird concept planes in the studio ghibli style. (This is a maybe.) I might also go to animation festivals and watch some films to get some inspiration for my FMP. For my Primary source, I will go to the Imperial War Museum, Royal Airforce Museum and Science Museum.
Primary Source: Science Museum:
ME163 Komet
Gloster Aircraft E28/39
Imperial WarMuseum:
Ohka Kamkikaze:
V-1 Flying rocket:
V-2 Rocket:
Harrier Jump Jet:
British SuperMarine Spitfire Mark 1a:
Brooklands Museum:
Secondary Source:
Yushukan Museum:
Luftwaffe Museum: Military History Museum airport Berlin-Gatow
Messerschmitt 262:
Messerschmitt 163:
Messerschmitt BF109:
V4 Rocket:
Fiat G.91:
Ghibli Museum: